Leading the Change - The Mechanics of an Election flyer


Leading the Change Speaker Series

Community Conversation: Election 2020

The Mechanics of an Election

Thursday, October 22, 2020
7:00 p.m. – 8:15 p.m. EDT

Do you have questions about the upcoming election? How does the political process work? In what ways is 2020 different from prior presidential elections? Join Megan Mullin, Associate Professor of Environmental Politics and ask your questions in this open conversation.


 View Event Flyer


About the Series

The Leading the Change speaker series connects students with the Nicholas School's broad network of alumni and friends to develop well-rounded graduates equipped to enact needed organizational changes to advance environmental and social pursuits in the world. Leading the Change is a collaborative project of the Leading the Change Faculty and Staff Work Group, the NSOE Career and Professional Development Center, the NSOE Office of Development and Alumni Relations, and the NSOE Board of Visitors – Business and Professional Development Committee. 


Other Events in the series