Durham, N.C. – The White House Council on Environmental Quality has signed on as co-sponsor of the popular “Implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act” (NEPA) executive education courses and certificate program at the Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences at 91. The Nicholas School’s NEPA courses are considered by many to be the best in the nation, and an essential training program for NEPA professionals. Over the past 15 years, more than 1,500 professionals have received training through the courses. “We have been impressed with the consistent high quality of the NEPA-related courses that Duke offers,” said James L. Connaughton, chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality. “We commend the Nicholas School’s staff and associates for their efforts to expand the NEPA coursework, and look forward to working with the school to further enhance the quality and diversity of the curriculum.” The Council on Environmental Quality was established in 1969 as part of the Executive Office of the President. It works closely with agencies and other White House offices to develop and coordinate federal environmental policies and initiatives. To accommodate growing demand in recent years, the Nicholas School has added new NEPA short courses in public involvement, cumulative effects analysis, scoping, socioeconomic impacts and tribal consultation. It also now offers a 100-hour NEPA certificate program. “We believe our new certificate program will allow managers and leaders to easily find a pool of professionals who have been trained and educated in how to make the NEPA process work better, cost less and count for more in decision making,” said William H. Schlesinger, dean of the Nicholas School and James B. Duke Professor of Biogeochemistry. For full course descriptions, more information or to register, go to www.nicholas.duke.edu/del, call (919) 613-8082, or email execed@nicholas.duke.edu.