Nicole Eastman, a Master of Environmental Management student, spent her summer as a Federal Clean Water Policy Fellow at the Natural Resources Defense Council.
Each year, Nicholas School of the Environment students complete internships with organizations around the world. These internships provide valuable opportunities to gain career-related experience and build a professional network.
Duke Environment recently caught up with Nicole to learn more about her experience.
What are you doing at your internship and how are you using the skills you've learned at the Nicholas School?
During my internship, I am working on a few projects regarding federal and state water policy. A recent court decision resulted in the loss of protections for ephemeral and intermittent streams and wetlands under the Clean Water Act. I am conducting research on state-level wetland protections in several states to identify potential strategies for states to fill in gaps left by federal policy. I am using skills I developed during Water Resources Law last semester to critically evaluate current statutes and state codes and identify policy solutions. Another important skill I learned through Hydrology includes writing concise and informational memos. This has been an extremely useful skill in reporting my research findings.
I am also assisting with research into the equitable distribution of federal funds for water and sewage infrastructure projects. I have had the opportunity to write a blog post and factsheet about federal programs such as the 2023 Farm Bill and the significant role of the programs supported by the bill in improving access for rural areas to essential infrastructure. Also, I represented NRDC at an EPA hearing to provide testimony supporting proposed coal ash
regulations. I am using techniques I learned during an environmental justice course I took at the Nicholas School to evaluate different screening tools used to identify disadvantaged communities and allocate federal funds.
How did the Nicholas School help you during your internship search?
I found this internship on Handshake through the Stanback Fellowship opportunities coordinated by Duke.
How will this experience help you in your career?
This experience will help me by allowing me to critically think about the equity of federal programs, understand the use of state-level policy to protect water resources such as wetlands, and use different writing techniques to create reports and blog posts. I hope to pursue a career focused on utilizing legal tools to advocate for local communities and their water resources, and this experience provided the opportunity to learn about prevalent water concerns and strategies to advocate for sustainable policy.