Patrick Duggan is a Prosecutor at the Environmental Crimes Section of the United States Department of Justice.  In that role, he conducts investigations and prosecutions across the U.S. in partnership with traditional and environmental federal law enforcement agencies, as well as working with NGOs on current environmental issues.  His cases include international and domestic trafficking in endangered wildlife, marine resources and timber, criminal violations of the Clean Water and Clean Air Act, and other criminal violations of our environmental statutes.  In additional to case work, Patrick works extensively in the international community.  He has conducted training on environmental law enforcement for INTERPOL; advised numerous West African countries on corruption in the natural resources sector; advised the Asian Judges Symposium on international trade in natural resources; and works extensively with the EU member states and the EU Commission on the Environment with regard to their implementation of the new EU Timber Regulations.  As a prosecutor, he has received the Annual Award of Excellence in Law Enforcement from the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission as well as numerous Department of Justice Annual Special Achievement Awards for his trial work.  

Patrick received his J.D. from Duke Law School, his M.A. in Environmental Science from the Duke Nicholas School of the Environment, and if it wasn鈥檛 for his love for his job, would currently be living back in Durham.  Before returning to school, Patrick was a renewable energy consultant and received his B.S. in interdisciplinary engineering from Clarkson University.  In his free time, Patrick engages in various outdoor activities, spends too much time fixing his old live-aboard boat, and frets about Buffalo sports teams.