Boudreau's expertise lies in origins of igneous layering: Numerical modeling of postcumulus processes such as crystal aging and compaction and how they can give rise to the variety of features observed in igneous layering. Petrogenesis of platinum-group element (PGE) deposits in layered intrusions and associated work on degassing of crystal assemblages and evidence for the mixing of igneous fluids with liquid + crystal assemblages.

School Division

Earth & Climate Sciences


  • Ph.D., University of Washington (1986)
  • M.S., University of Oregon (1982)
  • A.B., University of California, Berkeley (1976)


Recent Grants

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Recent Publications

  • Benson, EK; Coleman, DS; Boudreau, AE
    Journal of Petrology 65, no. 4 ( ):
  • Gupta, AR; Boudreau, AE
    Mineralium Deposita ( ):
  • Benson, EK; Boudreau, AE
    Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 178, no. 3 ( ):
  • Parker, AP; Clay, PL; Boudreau, AE; Burgess, R; O'Driscoll, B
    American Mineralogist 107, no. 5 ( ): 797 - 814
  • Marsh, JS; Pasecznyk, MJ; Boudreau, AE
    Journal of Petrology 62, no. 2 ( ):