Fall & Spring Semester Enrollment
Duke Students
All Duke students in good standing are able to study at the Duke Marine Lab at any point after completing the spring semester of the first year. There are no hard deadlines for enrollment for Duke students, though we request advance notification via email. To enroll, please email gwendolyn.womble@duke.edu and include which academic term you are interested in attending.
Duke students during their assigned registration window. If permission numbers are required, please contact Gwendy Womble.
Visiting College Students
Students from other colleges and universities are welcome to study at the Marine Lab. Enrollment to the Duke Marine Lab is first-come, first-served. We accept enrollments on a rolling basis as space is available. To enroll, please complete the .
- Visiting college students are requested to submit current transcripts.
- No deposit required.
- Please email Katie Wood to let us know that you are interested in enrolling in a course.
Summer Enrollment
Duke Students
All Duke students in good standing are automatically accepted to take Marine Lab courses online this summer. Duke students . If permission numbers are required, please contact Gwendy Womble.
Visiting College Students
Students from other colleges and universities are welcome to study at the Marine Lab during the Summer. Enrollment to the Duke Marine Lab is first-come, first-served. We accept enrollments on a rolling basis as space is available. To enroll, please complete the
- Visiting college students are requested to submit current transcripts.
- No deposit required.
- Please email Gwendy Womble to let us know that you are interested in enrolling in a course.
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