Dwyer's experience lies in the development of tracers and indicators of environmental change, and their application to modern and ancient environmental systems. Research areas include paleoceanography, paleoclimatology, carbonate sedimentology, marine geology and environmental geochemistry.

School Division

Earth & Climate Sciences

Recent Grants

Recent Publications

  • Cronin, TM; Dwyer, GS; Caverly, EK; Farmer, J; DeNinno, LH; Rodriguez-Lazaro, J; Gemery, L
    Scientific Reports 7, no. 1 ( ): 14475
  • Cronin, TM; Dwyer, GS; Farmer, J; Bauch, HA; Spielhagen, RF; Jakobsson, M; Nilsson, J; Briggs, WM; Stepanova, A
    Nature Geoscience 5, no. 9 ( ): 631 - 634
  • Vinson, DS; Schwartz, HG; Dwyer, GS; Vengosh, A
    Hydrogeology Journal 19, no. 5 ( ): 981 - 994
  • Pratson, E; Vengosh, A; Dwyer, G; Pratson, L; Klein, E
    Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation 30, no. 1 ( ): 87 - 93
  • Cronin, TM; Hayo, K; Thunell, RC; Dwyer, GS; Saenger, C; Willard, DA
    Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 297, no. 2 ( ): 299 - 310