- Increased labor losses and decreased adaptation potential in a warmer world. Nature communications 12, no. 1 (December 1, 2021 ): 7286
- Effect of heatwaves and greenness on mortality among Chinese older adults. Environ Pollut 290, (December 1, 2021 ): 118009
- Body size, trophic position, and the coupling of different energy pathways across a saltmarsh landscape Limnology and Oceanography Letters 6, no. 6 (December 1, 2021 ): 360 - 368
- How to simulate international economic sanctions: A multipurpose index modelling illustrated with EU sanctions against Russia International Economics 168, (December 1, 2021 ): 25 - 39
- Better baboon break-ups: collective decision theory of complex social network fissions. Proceedings. Biological sciences 288, no. 1964 (December 1, 2021 ): 20212060
- Extreme Flooding and Nitrogen Dynamics of a Blackwater River Water Resources Research 57, no. 12 (December 1, 2021 ):
- Impacts of ingested MWCNT-Embedded nanocomposites in Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes). Nanotoxicology 15, no. 10 (December 1, 2021 ): 1403 - 1422
- Natural Intertidal Oyster Reef Growth Across Two Landscape Settings and Tidal Ranges Estuaries and Coasts 44, no. 8 (December 1, 2021 ): 2118 - 2131
- Laboratory study on behavioral responses of hybrid sturgeon, Acipenseridae, to wake flows induced by cylindrical bluff bodies. The Science of the total environment 799, (December 1, 2021 ): 149403
- Detecting forest response to droughts with global observations of vegetation water content. Global change biology 27, no. 23 (December 1, 2021 ): 6005 - 6024
- Mobilizing transdisciplinary sustainability science in place-based communities: Evaluating saliency, legitimacy, and credibility in northern Canada Environmental Challenges 5, (December 1, 2021 ):
- Searching for solutions to our soil woesA World Without Soil: The Past, Present, and Precarious Future of the Earth Beneath Our Feet Jo Handelsman Yale University Press, 2021. 272 pp. Science (New York, N.Y.) 374, no. 6574 (December 1, 2021 ): 1452
- Evolution of Methyltransferase-Like (METTL) Proteins in Metazoa: A Complex Gene Family Involved in Epitranscriptomic Regulation and Other Epigenetic Processes. Molecular biology and evolution 38, no. 12 (December 1, 2021 ): 5309 - 5327
- An intergenerational androgenic mechanism of female intrasexual competition in the cooperatively breeding meerkat. Nature communications 12, no. 1 (December 1, 2021 ): 7332