- Very high resolution mapping of coral reef state using airborne bathymetric lidar surface-intensity and drone imagery International Journal of Remote Sensing 39, no. 17 (September 2, 2018 ): 5676 - 5688
- Costs and benefits of non-random seed release for long-distance dispersal in wind-dispersed plant species Oikos 127, no. 9 (September 1, 2018 ): 1330 - 1343
- Drag coefficient estimation using flume experiments in shallow non-uniform water flow within emergent vegetation during rainfall Ecological Indicators 92, (September 1, 2018 ): 367 - 378
- A Critical Time for Mercury Science to Inform Global Policy. Environmental science & technology 52, no. 17 (September 1, 2018 ): 9556 - 9561
- Effects of leaf area index and density on ultrafine particle deposition onto forest canopies: A LES study Atmospheric Environment 189, (September 1, 2018 ): 153 - 163
- Nativity and seed dispersal mode influence species’ responses to habitat connectivity and urban environments Global Ecology and Biogeography 27, no. 9 (September 1, 2018 ): 1017 - 1030
- Measuring and interpreting relationships between nutrient supply, demand, and limitation Freshwater Science 37, no. 3 (September 1, 2018 ): 448 - 455
- Tropical peatland carbon storage linked to global latitudinal trends in peat recalcitrance. Nature communications 9, no. 1 (September 1, 2018 ): 3640
- Evaluating the role of total organic carbon in predicting the treatment efficacy of biosand filters for the removal of Vibrio cholerae in drinking water during startup. Journal of applied microbiology 125, no. 3 (September 1, 2018 ): 917 - 928
- Impact of Biosolids on Indigenous Soil Denitrifying Bacteria Journal of Environmental Engineering (United States) 144, no. 9 (September 1, 2018 ):
- Water balance of pine forests: Synthesis of new and published results Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 259, (September 1, 2018 ): 107 - 117
- Cross-discipline evidence principles for sustainability policy. Nature sustainability 1, no. 9 (September 1, 2018 ): 452 - 454
- Transport in a coordinated soil-root-xylem-phloem leaf system Advances in Water Resources 119, (September 1, 2018 ): 1 - 16
- Spatial heterogeneity in species composition constrains plant community responses to herbivory and fertilisation. Ecol Lett 21, no. 9 (September 1, 2018 ): 1364 - 1371