- The social cost of methane: theory and applications. Faraday discussions 200, (August 1, 2017 ): 429 - 451
- Being human in the Anthropocene The Anthropocene Review 4, no. 2 (August 1, 2017 ): 103 - 109
- Ephemeral and intermittent runoff generation processes in a low relief, highly weathered catchment Water Resources Research 53, no. 8 (August 1, 2017 ): 7055 - 7077
- Complex terrain influences ecosystem carbon responses to temperature and precipitation Global Biogeochemical Cycles 31, no. 8 (August 1, 2017 ): 1306 - 1317
- Incorporating thresholds into understanding salinity tolerance: A study using salt-tolerant plants in salt marshes. Ecology and evolution 7, no. 16 (August 1, 2017 ): 6326 - 6333
- Cost of Tolerance: Physiological Consequences of Evolved Resistance to Inhabit a Polluted Environment in Teleost Fish Fundulus heteroclitus. Environmental science & technology 51, no. 15 (August 1, 2017 ): 8763 - 8772
- A novel role for primary cilia in airway remodeling. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 313, no. 2 (August 1, 2017 ): L328 - L338
- Mechanistic Insights from Discrete Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Pesticide-Nanoparticle Interactions. Environmental science & technology 51, no. 15 (August 1, 2017 ): 8396 - 8404
- An invasive foundation species enhances multifunctionality in a coastal ecosystem. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114, no. 32 (August 1, 2017 ): 8580 - 8585
- Functional traits of the understory plant community of a pyrogenic longleaf pine forest across environmental gradients. Ecology 98, no. 8 (August 1, 2017 ): 2225
- Impact of Sodium Humate Coating on Collector Surfaces on Deposition of Polymer-Coated Nanoiron Particles. Environmental science & technology 51, no. 16 (August 1, 2017 ): 9202 - 9209
- Trait space of rare plants in a fire-dependent ecosystem. Conservation biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology 31, no. 4 (August 1, 2017 ): 903 - 911
- Creating a More Perennial Problem? Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Enhances and Sustains Saline Baseflows of Appalachian Watersheds. Environmental science & technology 51, no. 15 (August 1, 2017 ): 8324 - 8334
- We need a biologically Sound North American conservation plan BioScience 67, no. 8 (August 1, 2017 ): 685 - 686