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- Topographic variability and the influence of soil erosion on the carbon cycle Global Biogeochemical Cycles 30, no. 5 (May 1, 2016 ): 644 - 660
- Plant nitrogen concentration and isotopic composition in residential lawns across seven US cities. Oecologia 181, no. 1 (May 1, 2016 ): 271 - 285
- Entry Points for Considering Ecosystem Services within Infrastructure Planning: How to Integrate Conservation with Development in Order to Aid Them Both Conservation Letters 9, no. 3 (May 1, 2016 ): 221 - 227
- Valuing Water Purification by Forests: An Analysis of Malaysian Panel Data Environmental and Resource Economics 64, no. 1 (May 1, 2016 ): 59 - 80
- Aerial Surveys of Elevated Hydrocarbon Emissions from Oil and Gas Production Sites. Environmental Science & Technology 50, no. 9 (May 1, 2016 ): 4877 - 4886
- Optimal control solutions to sodic soil reclamation Advances in Water Resources 91, (May 1, 2016 ): 37 - 45
- Lead Exposure during Early Human Development and DNA Methylation of Imprinted Gene Regulatory Elements in Adulthood. Environ Health Perspect 124, no. 5 (May 1, 2016 ): 666 - 673
- Establishment of a Novel Histopathological Classification of High-Grade Serous Ovarian Carcinoma Correlated with Prognostically Distinct Gene Expression Subtypes. Am J Pathol 186, no. 5 (May 1, 2016 ): 1103 - 1113
- Effects of Pubertal Exposure to Dietary Soy on Estrogen Receptor Activity in the Breast of Cynomolgus Macaques. Cancer Prev Res (Phila) 9, no. 5 (May 1, 2016 ): 385 - 395
- Brine Spills Associated with Unconventional Oil Development in North Dakota. Environmental science & technology 50, no. 10 (May 1, 2016 ): 5389 - 5397
- The more things change, the more they stay the same? When is trait variability important for stability of ecosystem function in a changing environment. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences 371, no. 1694 (May 1, 2016 ): 20150272
- Dissipation processes in the Tongue of the Ocean Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 121, no. 5 (May 1, 2016 ): 3159 - 3170