- Deep diving by offshore bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp.) Marine Mammal Science 39, no. 4 (October 1, 2023 ): 1251 - 1266
- Reflecting on the recent history of coastal Maine fisheries and marine resource monitoring: the value of collaborative research, changing ecosystems, and thoughts on preparing for the future ICES Journal of Marine Science 80, no. 8 (October 1, 2023 ): 2074 - 2086
- Unraveling complex causal processes that affect sustainability requires more integration between empirical and modeling approaches. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120, no. 41 (October 1, 2023 ): e2215676120
- Fluid hunter motivation in Central Africa: Effects on behaviour, bushmeat and income People and Nature 5, no. 5 (October 1, 2023 ): 1480 - 1496
- More than 10,000 pre-Columbian earthworks are still hidden throughout Amazonia. Science (New York, N.Y.) 382, no. 6666 (October 1, 2023 ): 103 - 109
- Unraveling the functional dark matter through global metagenomics. Nature 622, no. 7983 (October 1, 2023 ): 594 - 602
- Five Decades of Data Yield No Support for Adaptive Biasing of Offspring Sex Ratio in Wild Baboons (Papio cynocephalus). The American naturalist 202, no. 4 (October 1, 2023 ): 383 - 398
- Triphenyl phosphate-induced pericardial edema in zebrafish embryos is reversible following depuration in clean water. Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 263, (October 1, 2023 ): 106699
- Pulmonary, inflammatory, and oxidative effects of indoor nitrogen dioxide in patients with COPD. Environmental epidemiology (Philadelphia, Pa.) 7, no. 5 (October 1, 2023 ): e271
- Fishing for subsistence constitutes a livelihood safety net for populations dependent on aquatic foods around the world. Nature food 4, no. 10 (October 1, 2023 ): 874 - 885
- Identifying critical windows of air pollution exposure during preconception and gestational period on birthweight: a prospective cohort study. Environmental health : a global access science source 22, no. 1 (October 1, 2023 ): 71
- Association of greenness surrounding school with聽aggression among聽adolescents: A multi-site study in China. Environmental research 234, (October 1, 2023 ): 116529
- Identifying driving hydrogeomorphic factors of coastal wetland downgrading using random forest classification models. The Science of the total environment 894, (October 1, 2023 ): 164995
- Bioenergetic Effects of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Resistance Manifest Later in Life in Offspring of <i>Fundulus heteroclitus</i> from the Elizabeth River. Environmental science & technology 57, no. 42 (October 1, 2023 ): 15806 - 15815