- Effects of different representations of stomatal conductance response to humidity across the African continent under warmer CO<inf>2</inf>-enriched climate conditions Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences (January 1, 2015 ):
- Groundwater and stream E. coli concentrations in coastal plain watersheds served by onsite wastewater and a municipal sewer treatment system. Water Science and Technology : a Journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research 72, no. 10 (January 1, 2015 ): 1851 - 1860
- Abiotic and biotic controls of soil moisture spatiotemporal variability and the occurrence of hysteresis Water Resources Research (January 1, 2015 ):
- Regions of significant influence on unforced global mean surface air temperature variability in climate models Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (January 1, 2015 ):
- Contribution of the North Atlantic subtropical high to regional climate model (RCM) skill in simulating southeastern United States summer precipitation Climate Dynamics 45, no. 1-2 (January 1, 2015 ): 477 - 491
- Joint spatio-temporal analysis of a linear and a directional variable: Space-time modeling of wave heights and wave directions in the adriatic sea Statistica Sinica 25, no. 1 (January 1, 2015 ): 25 - 39
- Sizing ocean giants: patterns of intraspecific size variation in marine megafauna. PeerJ 3, (January 1, 2015 ): e715
- Warm season heavy rainfall events over the Huaihe River Valley and their linkage with wintertime thermal condition of the tropical oceans Climate Dynamics 46, no. 1 (January 1, 2015 ): 1 - 12
- Habitat use patterns of the invasive red lionfish Pterois volitans: A comparison between mangrove and reef systems in San Salvador, Bahamas Marine Ecology 36, no. 1 (January 1, 2015 ): 28 - 37
- spBayes for large univariate and multivariate point-referenced spatio-temporal data models Journal of Statistical Software 63, no. 13 (January 1, 2015 ): 1 - 28
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- The influence of water table depth and the free atmospheric state on convective rainfall predisposition Water Resources Research (January 1, 2015 ):
- Summertime physical and biological controls on O<inf>2</inf> and CO<inf>2</inf> in the Australian Sector of the Southern Ocean Journal of Marine Systems 147, (January 1, 2015 ): 21 - 28
- Probabilistic quantification of hazards: A methodology using small ensembles of physics-based simulations and statistical surrogates International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification 5, no. 4 (January 1, 2015 ): 297 - 325