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- Transforming justice in REDD+ through a politics of difference approach Forests 7, no. 12 (January 1, 2016 ):
- Undermining demand management with supply management: Moral hazard in Israeli water policies Water (Switzerland) 8, no. 4 (January 1, 2016 ):
- Pharmaceuticals as Antifoulants: Inhibition of Growth and Effects on Adhesion of Marine Bacteria (January 1, 2016 ): 45 - 46
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- Climatology and trends of tropical cyclone high wind in mainland China: 1959–2011 Journal of Geophysical Research 120, no. 24 (December 27, 2015 ): 12 - 393
- Trans-Amazon Drilling Project (TADP): Origins and evolution of the forests, climate, and hydrology of the South American tropics Scientific Drilling 20, (December 17, 2015 ): 41 - 49
- High Exposure to Organophosphate Flame Retardants in Infants: Associations with Baby Products. Environ Sci Technol 49, no. 24 (December 15, 2015 ): 14554 - 14559
- Triple collocation: Beyond three estimates and separation of structural/non-structural errors Remote Sensing of Environment 171, (December 15, 2015 ): 299 - 310
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- An Ocean Sensor for Measuring the Seawater Electrochemical Response of 8 Metals Referenced to Zinc, for Determining Ocean pH. Sensing Technology (ICST), 2015 Ninth International Conference on (December 10, 2015 ):
- Unforced surface air temperature variability and its contrasting relationship with the anomalous TOA energy flux at local and global spatial scales Journal of Climate (December 8, 2015 ):
- Influence of basin characteristics on the effectiveness and downstream reach of interbasin water transfers: Displacing a problem Environmental Research Letters 10, no. 12 (December 8, 2015 ):