- Steady nonuniform shallow flow within emergent vegetation Water Resources Research 51, no. 12 (December 1, 2015 ): 10047 - 10064
- The competitiveness impacts of climate change mitigation policies (December 1, 2015 ): 565 - 595
- Associations of birth outcomes with maternal polybrominated diphenyl ethers and thyroid hormones during pregnancy. Environment international 85, (December 1, 2015 ): 244 - 253
- The anthropocene biosphere The Anthropocene Review 2, no. 3 (December 1, 2015 ): 196 - 219
- Epigenetic silencing of Kruppel like factor-3 increases expression of pro-metastatic miR-182. Cancer Lett 369, no. 1 (December 1, 2015 ): 202 - 211
- The checkered history of checkerboard distributions: comment. Ecology 96, no. 12 (December 1, 2015 ): 3386 - 3388
- Chemotherapy Induces Programmed Cell Death-Ligand 1 Overexpression via the Nuclear Factor-魏B to Foster an Immunosuppressive Tumor Microenvironment in Ovarian Cancer. Cancer Res 75, no. 23 (December 1, 2015 ): 5034 - 5045
- Framed field experiment on resource scarcity & extraction: Path-dependent generosity within sequential water appropriation Ecological Economics 120, (December 1, 2015 ): 416 - 429
- Learning processes, public and stakeholder engagement: Analyzing responses to Colorado's extreme flood events of 2013 Urban Climate 14, (December 1, 2015 ): 79 - 93
- Landscape position influences microbial composition and function via redistribution of soil water across a watershed. Applied and environmental microbiology 81, no. 24 (December 1, 2015 ): 8457 - 8468
- Cultivating hope through contemplative methods Journal of Sustainability Education 10, (November 30, 2015 ):
- Clearcutting upland forest alters transpiration of residual trees in the riparian buffer zone Hydrological Processes 29, no. 24 (November 29, 2015 ): 4979 - 4992
- Observations and Assessment of Fly Ashes from High-Sulfur Bituminous Coals and Blends of High-Sulfur Bituminous and Subbituminous Coals: Environmental Processes Recorded at the Macro- and Nanometer Scale Energy and Fuels 29, no. 11 (November 19, 2015 ): 7168 - 7177
- Direct Energy Consumption Associated Emissions by Rural-to-Urban Migrants in Beijing Environmental Science & Technology 49, no. 22 (November 17, 2015 ): 13708 - 13715